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CL 1: Introduction to the SSF Guidelines

At the end of each Core Lesson, you will find two assessment questions for participants to answer based on their understanding of the corresponding SSF Guidelines chapter.


Answers can be submitted in three ways:

1. Download the PDF to the right and print one copy per participant. Ask learners to write their answers. Alternatively, they can use pieces of paper and copy the two questions. Please use THIS FORM to submit learners' answers, transcribing their answers. You can summarize answers into the corresponding sections in the assessment form.


2. Alternatively, you can scan and upload all answers as a compressed "zip" folder using the same form (see the "Upload" button below for this option).

3. Please use the Core Lesson Completion Assessment for Participants form if you have internet capabilities and prefer that participants submit their own answers. In this case, please be sure that participants include additional information asked. Please use only one form to submit answers.

Date CL Facilitated:

Scan or photography Participants' Assessments forms and "compress" them into one "zip" folder. Submit them using the Upload button below.

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Upload File
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Educator's Information:

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Name of School or Organization:

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How many young learners participated?

Please indicate at what level you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Participants recognize their community as a small-scale fishery and a social-ecological system with multiple relationships.
Participants feel a sense of belonging to an integrated social-ecological system.
Participants identified spaces, characters and actions to tell a story of their community.

1. Summarize participants' understanding of the SSF Guidelines chapter's main takeaways:

2. How do participants see the SSF Guidelines chapter's main takeaways as reflected in their SSF?

Did you change or need to adjust the lesson plan in any way?

If you answered yes, how did you change or adjust the lesson plan?

Please upload photos or videos of the thaumatropes (or "wonder turners") made by the participants, or other products created during the lesson.


* These can be individual or collective (drawings, photos, videos, group discussion notes, etc.)

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Feel free to reach out and connect with the curriculum development team! We will do our best to reply promptly.

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