Proposal for Curriculum Uptake & 2nd Edition Co-Creation Process
After a yearlong participatory development process during IYAFA 2022, the curriculum's 1st edition is ready for publication. The SSF Guidelines Curriculum development team is excited to share the participatory project with stakeholders across the FAO's network for feedback and with educators in SSF communities for further piloting and uptake. With a minimum viable product (MVP) to disseminate, C2C would like to work closely with the FAO, Lighthouse Foundation, and community-based to global partners working for sustainable fisheries and quality rural education to envision the project's following stages and next steps.
1.a | Through the FAO's Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum), C2C seeks to "Call for Submissions" from FAO volunteer multistakeholder consultants for feedback on the curriculum 1st edition. C2C will analyze results and interweave insights into the curriculum's 2nd edition as well as dissemination strategy and onboarding experience for new educators.
1.b | C2C seeks the opportunity to approach both Ministries of Education and National Fisheries Departments for feedback and to discuss how the curriculum supports improved policy coherence and possible interests or strategies for curriculum dissemination in national schools.
1.c | C2C will deliver the illustrated curriculum and participant workbook to educators and learners in our focus groups in Nigeria, India, and Madagascar, who co-created and remotely piloted activities. As part of Festival Somos Mar and Talleres Somos Ríos 2023, C2C will return the published curriculum to the educators and learners who co-created and piloted its contents with us during the IYAFA 2022 along both the northern coast of Peru and in the Amazon. We seek their feedback and interest in SSF Youth Clubs for continued engagement with the holistic SSF Guidelines Implementation beyond the curriculum. The SSF Guidelines Curriculum team will work with educators from our 1st edition focus groups C2C will analyze and interweave critiques into the curriculum's 2nd edition design, adjusting lesson plans, enrichment activities, and supplemental materials accordingly.
1.d | 2.d | 3.d | 4.d | The curriculum's 2nd edition seeks to include more nuance by considering small island nations and SSF communities with limited civic engagement due to precarious political realities hampering the SSF Guidelines' implementation. Educators from local schools, university research institutions, nonprofits, and social enterprises in Barbados, French Polynesia, Myanmar, and Vietnam will join the SSF Guidelines Curriculum development team as focus groups to review the curriculum 1st edition and offer their feedback based on how the content resonates with their local contexts. The 2nd edition educators will work with C2C and receive mentorship from educators from the curriculum's 1st edition to adapt pre-existing content and develop their own lesson plans and enrichment activities that address the needs of their SSF community in the context of limited freedom of expression and climate change. Educators will pilot their adapted and new lesson plans with a group of local learners with monitoring and evaluation support from C2C and continued mentorship from 1st edition educators. After the pilots, C2C will assist educators in refining their lessons, activities, and handouts and ask for their consultation on accompanying illustrations to present their content in an appealing way. C2C will publish the new and adapted content as part of the 2nd edition.
2.a | 3.a | 4.a | C2C will facilitate sessions between 1st and 2nd edition educators that partner focus groups for one-on-one dialogues and collaborative group sessions, sharing best practices and experiences with unique challenges for teaching in often isolated SSF communities. C2C will take the opportunity to consult with the focus group on developing a knowledge exchange platform that can provide a space for educators to connect, collaborate, and share ideas while and after facilitating the curriculum, which can lead to increased creativity and innovation in their teaching while breaking down barriers of isolation. C2C will consult with researchers and partners to design a knowledge exchange pilot that follows an emergent strategy to build relationships and create a sense of community, helping to reduce the isolation often experienced by educators in rural SSF and foster a supportive environment that promotes professional growth, development opportunities, and best practices for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the SSF Guidelines with young learners. C2C proposes a basic platform prototype to build upon and enhance user experience.
2.b | 3.b | 4.b | C2C adapt and create new educational resources focusing on further developing the curriculum's supplement resources that support educators to realize lesson plans and enrichment activities' "investigation" and "imagination" dynamics, assignments, and projects. C2C will consult with focus group educators to design and improve resources such as "How to Make _" guides by C2C for co-creating audiovisual productions with participants and to leverage participatory youth action research techniques such as community mapping, interviews, survey design, and additional community-based tools. Through future iterations of Festival Somos Mar and Talleres Somos Ríos in Peru and possible international workshops, C2C will co-develop multimedia content with young learners and educators to accompany the curriculum 2nd edition and be available on the knowledge exchange platform.
2.c | 3.c | 4.c | C2C recognizes the curriculum's need to reach educators in a way that encourages uptake and confidence in the facilitator's ability to deliver its contents while contributing to their professional capacity development goals as teachers or nonprofit educators. C2C will work with 1st and 2nd edition educators to design an onboarding experience for new facilitators to buy into the curriculum as a professional development tool and a way to engage their target youth participants in shaping change in their local SSF communities. The "training of the educators" program will consist of a one-week in-person "BootCamp" with follow-up training, invitations to webinars by partner organizations, and access to a digital companion of instructional materials. ​
NOTE: This concept note is a preliminary document that C2C will develop further after consultation with the FAO and inputs from the Lighthouse Foundation. C2C seeks to work more closely with principal funding partners and attune the project's second stage to funders' strategies for sustained impact. To this end, C2C seeks meetings with our main partners to discuss the initial concept note for optimizing the curriculum through its second stage. The SSF Guidelines Curriculum team will review and refine the concept note based on feedback and ideas shared during these discussions. C2C will submit a proposal for further funding to support the development of the curriculum's second stage based on the agreed-upon parameters, estimated timeline, and determined budget during these partner discussions. Our team imagines a wide range of possibilities for the curriculum's future stages and scalability to support SSF youth engagement in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the SSF Guidelines and leveraging the chapters' main messages to shape changes in their SSF communities for sustainable fisheries and optimistic futures.
Proposal for In-Person Meetings with the FAO and Lighthouse Foundation between 22-30 May 2023: The Qatar Foundation's WISE initiative awarded Ms. Emi Koch, the SSF Guidelines Curriculum Project Lead and Coast 2 Coast Co-Founder, with a WISE Emerging Leaders fellowship. According to the WISE website, the nine-month program "consists of brings together 15–20 carefully selected young leaders in education from around the world in a hybrid format consisting of in-person residential sessions, a series of online workshops with education experts, several asynchronous reflective blog posts, a concrete project to apply in their organizations, and tailored mentoring support to develop their project." The first residential session will be in Milian, Italy, from 31 May to 10 June 2023.
Ms. Koch would be thrilled to meet with the FAO in Rome and the Lighthouse Foundation in Kiel, Germany, the week before the start of the residential session from 22 to 30 May 2023 if convenient for both partner organizations to discuss the project, proposed next steps, and impact potential aligned with partners' visions.
"Call for Submissions" from Stakeholders to review the Curriculum's 1st Edition
Description: C2C, the FAO, and the Lightouse Foundation publish and share the SSF Guidelines Curriculum with the United Nations, UNESCO Ocean Literacy, Too Big to Ignore, WorldFish, the SSF Hub, National Geographic Education, Slow Fish and additional networks to request feedback from fisheries researchers, scientists, educators, and community-based practitioners on implementing such a curriculum core lesson plans, enrichment activities, engagement with supplemental materials, dissemination, and what the design of a successful in-person and digital companion training of the educators program could entail to onboard SSF village educators to facilitate the curriculum.
Methods: C2C and the FAO create a "Call for Submission" via FSN Forum to allow for multistakeholder dialogue about the curriculum and participants to share their experiences, best practices and recommendations while enabling C2C to analyze inputs like case studies and existing tools in a well-documented and comprehensive manner. See example of Stakeholder Feedback Form to develop further with FAO and partner inputs. C2C meets in-person with the FAO in June 2023.
Output: Analysis and digital report published for the FAO with consultation results and how the curriculum will adapt according to the feedback given.
Description: In coordination with the FAO, C2C seeks meetings with State governing institutions on both national education and fisheries management systems to share the curriculum and begin a dialogue on coordinated strategies for dissemination. Policymakers can give feedback and share insights on the curriculum's proposed teacher training program for onboarding new educators designed to build capacity by sharing audiovisual educational tools, youth action participatory research approaches, and other methods that simultaneously tackle quality education and sustainable fisheries.
Methods: (1) In-person meetings coordinated with FAO-country offices in Nigeria, India,* Vietnam,* Peru,* French Polynesia, and Barbados, if possible and appropriate. C2C is thrilled to meet in person with additional State education and fisheries governing bodies at the FAO's discernment. As part of these meetings, C2C proposes allotted time for policymakers to participate in one lesson plan or enrichment activity to experience the curriculum's learning impact potential for themselves (and "break the ice" for deeper conversations). (2) C2C is happy present the curriculum virtually with government officials and provide digital copies via the website.
*Countries C2C already has plans with funding to be in-country.
Output: Added analysis of sessions with governing bodies to the digital report published for the FAO with FSN Forum consultation results. This section of the report will highlight insights gained on policy coherence through the curriculum dissemination lens and how the curriculum can specifically support national education and fisheries management objectives with an emphasis on how these relate to the sustainable development goals and implementation of the SSF Gudielines.
Educators & Learners from Curriculum's 1st Edition Focus Groups + Pilot offer feedback
Description: C2C delivers the published SSF Guidelines Curriculum 1st edition to the educators and learners who co-created its contents for their feedback and further piloting through Festival Somos Mar along Peru's northern coast with SSF communities and Talleres Somos Ríos within the Amazon rainforest with indigenous fishing villages. C2C meets virtually and in-person (selectively or all, depending on the 2nd stage budget) with educators and learners from who participated in the 1st edition's focus groups to share the curriculum for their feedback. C2C presents the idea of SSF Youth Clubs to gauge interest from learners and educators who are already engaged with the curriculum through its development.
Methods: Through a small grant from the US Embassy in Lima, C2C returns to the coastal and inland SSF villages from May through August 2023 to share the curriculum's 1st edition with the educators and young learners who participated in the pilot of lesson plans and enrichment activities. Facilitators and participants from our focus groups co-created the curriculum's piloted content, presenting ideas further developed by C2C and presented back. Educators in Nigeria, India, Madagascar, and India then participated in a virtual pilot with young learners. C2C asks educators from focus groups for their feedback and to gather comments from participants. C2C facilitators meet participants in India and Peru in-person, sharing a physical copy of the curriculum with them and facilitating follow-up surveys and ideas for further engagement through SSF Youth Clubs. C2C seeks to do the same with focus groups in Nigeria and Madagascar. While partners speak basic English, C2C may seek support from the FAO to translate the curriculum's content into Spanish, French, and Malayalam.
Output: Added analysis of educators and participants' feedback to the report published for the FAO with FSN Forum consultation results and education and fisheries ministries' dissemination approaches. This section of the report will share insights gained from further piloting and educators and participants' feedback and 12-month impact survey results from engagement in the curriculum's co-creation process either as pilot or initial development of lessons and activities.
New Educators for Curriculum's 2nd Edition review content & materials
Description: Four new educator and learner focus groups in Barbados, French Polynesia, Vietnam, and Myanmar join the curriculum development team for co-creating the 2nd edition with adapted and nuanced content attuned to the needs of (1) small-island developing states (SIDS) and (2) countries with limited opportunities for civic engagement. C2C is curious to understand how local educational partners might best adapt lesson plans, enrichment activities, supplemental materials, and resources to meet their local contexts' needs and conditions.
Methods: C2C faciliates several introductory sessions per focus groups and provide the curriculum to local partners for review. While proposed partners speak basic English, C2C may seek support from the FAO to translate the curriculum's content to Vietnamese, French, and Burmese.
Output: Added analysis of the curriculum's versitility to meet the needs of educators in SIDS or contexts of limited freedom of speech or expression. Educators' feedback will be added to the FAO report with FSN Forum consultation results. education, fisheries ministries' dissemination approaches. This section of the report will share insights gained from further piloting and educators and participants' feedback and 12-month impact survey results from engagement in the curriculum's co-creation process either as pilot or initial development of lessons and activities.
Educators & Learners consult with C2C and Educational Designers co-create on knowledge exchange platform to accompany the curriculum
Description: C2C and focus groups co-design knowledge exchange platform via the SSF Guidelines Curriculum website that can provide a space for educators to connect, collaborate, and share ideas for shaping changes in their villages through the curriculum and monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the SSF Guidelines in their local realities. These exchanges can lead to increased creativity and innovation in their teaching. Educators can use the platform to develop and implement new strategies, techniques, and approaches to faciliating the curriculum that can enhance their participants' learning experiences and academic achievement beyond the curriculum. The platform could include a blog for learners to submit assignments or educators to can share reflections on their experience facilitating the curriculum and exploring the SSF Guidelines in their local context. The platform also invites fisheries researchers to connect with educators and also acts as a space to host and facilitate interactions between SSF Youth Clubs.
Methods: C2C faciliates dialogues with 1st and 2nd edition educator and learner focus groups to understand intentions for exchanges, document ideal experience on the platform, identify potential or existing barriers to access/develop strategies to overcome them, and incentives for participation on such a platform. C2C facilitates exchanges between 1st and 2nd focus groups through group video calls to test assumptions and offer opportunities for 1st edition educators to mentor 2nd edition faciliators as they explore the SSF Guidelines as reflect in their realities.
Output: Naunced proposal for a knowledge-sharing platform that showcases participants' creative productions, presents data gathered, shares opportunities for trainings, and facilitates insight exchanges between educators in SSF communities.
Description: Leveraging insights and critiques from educators' initial reviews of the curriculum's 1st edition, C2C and focus groups will collaborate to adapt supplementary materials to strengthen educators' abilities and confidence to deliver the curriculum and gain the most out of the lesson plans and enrichment activities to support quality edication and the implementation of the SSF Guidelines. This includes co-creating "How to Make _" step-by-step guides for realizing participatory audiovisual productions with learners as project assignments embedded within the curriculum. These guides will build off basic previously existing ones as MVPs co-created by C2C in the past, such as 5.3.b How to Make a Stop-Motion Animation, 5.4.b How to Make a Mural, and 8.1.a How to Make a Photo Series. This would include creating new guides such as 5.3.d How to Make a Comic Series and 5.4.c How to Make a Mural Mosaic. The curriculum also currently relies on external links to share resources. C2C aims to create its own content specifically tailored to meet the needs of rural educators in SSF communities. C2C aims to create a series of videos co-create with young learners and educators speaking directly to educators, facilitating the curriculum on how to set-up and "play" the Blue Justice: Fisheries Simulation game in Core Lesson 5: The Importance of Spaces, Characters, and Actions in SSF or make a thaumatrope from Core Lesson 1: What are the SSF Guidelines?
Methods: C2C faciliates in-depth interviews and workshops with educators from the curriculum's 1st edition and 2nd edition to gain a detailed understanding of facilitators' goals for their own capacity development in their classrooms or nonprofit programs and also limitations or areas where they may lack confidence which acts as a barrier to facilitate curriculum content. Educators offer feedback on the curriculum's supplemental resources, such as presentations and guides. Educators test C2C's Map from Coast 2 Coast (MDCC) as a prototype of an educational resources on SSF identity as expressed through the imagination of local youth. C2C will work with educational designers to use the data collected to develop further or create new supplemental materials and resources that are tailored to the specific needs and context. C2C will coordinate with educators to co-create videos that accompany the "How to Make _" step-by-step guides and others educators indicate would be helpful. These videos could also be about content relevant to SSF communities based on the animated videos created by FAO targeting adult audiences on SSF Guidelines Chapter 5 through Chapter 9. Moreover, C2C strives to produce multimedia tools on community-based research tools SSF youth and educators can use to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the SSF Guidelines in their local realities.
Outputs: Data collected from interview sessions + workshops with educators, design proofs for "How to..." guides and other resource materials, storyboards for selected audiovisual productions co-created with learners and educators from 1st and/or 2nd edition focus groups.
Educator & Learners consult with C2C and Educational Designers co-create on facilitator training program and curriculum onboarding experience
Description: C2C and focus groups co-design onboarding experience for new educators to facilitate the curriculum. The facilitator training program consists of a one week in-person experience with a digital companion and virtual follow-up with educators. During the live "BootCamp," C2C facilitates select lesson plans and enrichment activities for teachers where new faciliators gain an experimental understanding of the curriculum's learning goals through their own interactions with the content. C2C and partners gain an appreciation for the status of education in specific SSF communities and knowledge around the SSF Guidelines implementation at the local level. Educators leave with an in-depth understanding about the SSF Guidelines, tools for monitoring and evaluating their local implementation, and the confidence to facilitate the curriculum with their students or nonprofit program participants that raises local awareness about the guidelines and also SSF youth's ability to contribute to their implementation through an emergent strategy. The digital companion tot the weeklong in-person training comprises of curriculum resources developed with 1st and 2nd edition focus groups. Educators are also invited to participate in virtual follow-up trainings to develop their capacities further to achieve their professional development goals as educators in SSF communities.
Methods: Similar to previously indicated methods, C2C will facilitate sessions with educators in the 1st and 2nd curriculum edition focus groups to appreciate what facilitators would find most helpful as a training to engage with the curriculum. Educators from the 1st edition focus groups who have already gained significant experience through co-developing the guidelines can share what they would have found helpful, thinking back and based on their current understanding. New facilitators can share what questions or doubt they have before diving into the SSF Guidelines' content. These sessions will be conducted through a combination of video calls and in-person sessions as time and the developed budget allows.
Output: Detailed proposal with agenda for the "training of the educators" onboarding experience, including the one week in-person "BootCamp" and follow-up sessions. From this initial proposal, C2C will develop an idea for how the in-person training could be done virtually as well, accounting for technological barriers and limitations rural educators may experience.
New Educators collaborate with C2C Educational Designers to adapt Curriculum Content
Description: C2C and 2nd edition focus groups work together to attune, amend, and co-create new curriculum lesson plans + enrichment activities, modify instructional resources, and design special learning activities for learners who are grappling with rapid challenges of climate change living in small island developing states - Barbados and French Polynesia - and youth from fishing communities in nations with limited opportunities for civic engagement, advocacy, or freedom of speech - Myanmar and Vietnam. For example, how might educators in French Polynesia create a lesson plan that specific addresses sea level rise framed by the key takeaways from SSF Guidelines' Chapter 9: Disaster Risk & Climate Change. How might nonprofit faciliators in Myanmar adapt a lesson plan on shaping change through policy in the context of the military junta? Adapting the curriculum to local contexts can involve a variety of approaches, such as incorporating local examples, language, and cultural practices into the lessons but also sensitivities to pressing concerns and restrictions on SSF people's civic engagement.
Methods: C2C faciliates virtual and limited in-person design sessions with 2nd edition educator. Sessions are designed to elicit feedback on the current state of small-scale fisheries, the challenges SSF people and their communities face, and the potential for social and environmental advocacy. C2C will look for knowledge gaps and areas in which educators would like to develop their capacities to provide quality education to their students or youth participants. Educators from the curriculum's 1st edition focus groups mentor 2nd edition educators in developing their lesson plans and additional content they will later pilot with a select group of participants in a SSF community. In consultation with educators, C2C will pair one 1st edition focus group with a 2nd edition focus group. These focus groups will meet according to an agreed upon schedule. Educators will receive further training from C2C and partners on engagement with the SSF Guidelines, leveraging audiovisual tools for quality place-based and expeditionary education, and youth action research approaches.
Output: Drafted proposals reviewed and ready for piloting of both new and modified lesson plans and curriculum content adapted and attuned to the needs and realities of small island developing states and contexts where civil society activism are tightly restricted.
C2C applies focus group feedback to develop knowledge exchange platform prototype framed by the curriculum
Description: C2C presents a basic protoype of a knowledge exchange platform that strives to provide resources and support for facilitating the SSF Guidelines Curriculum, including teaching materials, connections with subject matter experts, and professional development opportunities, including online courses, webinars, and workshops that are specifically designed to meet the needs of rural educators from fishing villages.. The platform should provide a space for educators to connect with one another, share their experiences, and collaborate on projects. This can be done through discussion forums, low-bandwith video conferencing, and other collaborative tools. The platform should be designed to support multiple languages to ensure that educators from different regions can participate and contribute to the knowledge exchange. It should be easy to navigate and use, even for those with limited access to technology.
Methods: C2C consults with webdevelopers and educational partners to construct the platform as a minimal viable product hosted by the curriculum's site or an external webpage. C2C pilots the prototype with 1st and 2nd edition educators and asks for feedback on their experience.
Output: Basic knowledge-sharing platform prototype to be shared with partners and focus groups for user testing and feedback.
C2C designs and co-produces with educators & learners improved, new, adapted supplementary resources
Description: C2C educational designers focus on materials that support the curriculum's "ivestigation" and "imagination" dynamics, assignments, and projects, integrating feedback shared by educators. The guides are designed to provide rural youth with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct community-based research and produce audiovisual content that reflects their experiences and perspectives in their SSF communities. The resources cover research methods, audiovisual production techniques, community engagement, ethical considerations, and participatory approaches for monitoring and evaluating the SSF Guidelines implementation. Materials are presented in a user-friendly format that is easy for rural educators and youth to understand and follow. These could include videos, visual aids, C2C's "How to Make _" step-by-step guides with instructions, and real-world examples from SSF communities.
Methods: C2C produces content with educational designers and thematic videos that will accompany the guides with young learners involved in the 1st edition's pilot in Peru through Festival Somos Mar and Talleres Somos Ríos. C2C would like to engage new learners in creating content about the SSF Gudielines chapter themes for educators to use when facilitating a particular lesson or activity on the subject like gender equity or secure tenure. Through the production process, participants learn how to produce simple videos while also gaining an in-depth understanding of the topic.
Output: New, improved, and adapted multimedia resources to be shared with partners and focus groups for user testing and feedback.
C2C designs and pilots facilitator training program and curriculum onboarding experience
Description: The onboarding experience is an important step in ensuring that educators feel confident in the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the curriculum in their classrooms and nonprofit programs effectively. The weeklong live "BootCamp" conceptually consists of two to four hours sessions (aware of educators' limited time) made up of a mix of lectures, hands-on activities, group discussions, and reflection exercises. Half of these dynamics come from the curriculum's lesson plans and enrichment activities in which educators are asked to put on their "participant" hat and experience the curriculum for themselves. This way, they gain a personal appreciation for what they will facilitate for their participants and can visualize how to apply the curriculum in their schools or community-based organizations. In the other half of the training, educators are addressed as faciliators. The 5-day (Monday through Friday) training tackles two of the SSF Guidelines 10 chapters (Introduction 1-4, Part 1: 5-9, and Part 2: 10-13) per day, for example - Day 1: Introduction & Chapter 5, Day 2: Chapters 6 & 7, Day 3: Chapters 8 & 9, Day 4: Chapters 10 & 11, and Day 5: Chapters 12 & 13. Ideally, there are two extra days - one as an icebreaker and to build trust with educators and the second as a closing session and debrief. However, C2C is aware of educators' limited time. C2C will provided a digital companion and follow-up trainings for educators and online interactions through the knowledge-sharing platform into the future.
Methods: Taking feedback provided from focus groups, C2C produces training agenda, pre-production through post-production logistics and tasks, as well as proposed training. C2C seeks to pilot onboarding experience with support from 2nd edition pilot partners in French Polynesia and Barbados for new educators at local schools or nonprofit centers. Our partner educators will contribute and participant in the pilot, offering their feedback afterwards based on observations and feedback.
Output: Designed onboarding experience ready for piloting and results from pilot to inform adapting experience.
Curriculum 2nd edition Educators pilot their new & adapted Lessons & Activities with Learners in their SSF Communities
Description: Educators in French Polynesia, Barbados, Myanmar, and Vietnam form participant groups and start to pilot their new or adapted lesson plans and enrichment activities. Educators receive feedback and support from C2C and 1st edition educators.
Methods: C2C regularly checks in with educators to support and monitor their progress, providing assessment forms for educators and receiving their feedback. Educators can ask for guidance from C2C as well as 1st edition educators who are also facilitating the curriculum and offering their feedback to C2C. Educators test new resource materials with their participants and provide feedback to C2C.
Output: Pilot of new and adapted lesson plans, enrichment activities, and updated resources with feedback for analysis.
C2C integrates feedback and launches knowledge exchange platform framed by the curriculum
Description: The SSF Guidelines Curriculum's SSF Educators Knowledge Exchange Platform will launch after carefully integrating feedback and insights gained after user testing with educators from the 1st and 2nd curriculum editions. C2C will integrate safety mechanisms and community guidelines to ensure interactions are secure for participants and free of discrimination or inappropriate conversations. On the platform, there will be an area designated for young learners to contribute from their actitivies from the SSF Youth Club. There will be opportunities for collaboration between clubs and participation in capacity building and audiovisual trainings.
Methods: C2C will work carefully with project partners to integrate feedback from user testing and flag areas in need of further development. C2C will launch the SSF Educators Knowledge Exchange Platfrom with links for sharing learning via forums or the curriculum's blog.
Output: Initial knowledge-sharing platform launched and outfitted with resources and instructions for use.
C2C publishes tested and co-created improved, new, adapted supplementary resources with illustrations
Description: The SSF Guidelines Curriculum's 2nd Edition will include supplemental materials such as new handouts, more thorough presentations, and C2C's "How to Make _." guides with video companions created with young learners through participatory workshops. The new materials will also included an updated versions of the participant workbook that specifically look at climate change's impact on small island nations and another version that accompanies lesson plans targeting youth in countries without freedom of speech.
Methods: C2C post-produces creative contents, editting instructional videos, illustrating guides, and attuning presentations to new lesson plans and enrichment activities designed and piloted by 2nd edition focus groups. FAO will give last inputs, and C2C will publish materials.
Output: Collection of updated, attuned, and new supplemental materials and educational resources for educators to leverage in facilitating the curriculum in the local SSF context.
C2C launches facilitator training program and curriculum onboarding experience
Description: The SSF Guidelines Curriculum's 2nd Edition includes the offer of an educator onboarding experience that aims to promote quality rural education and sustainable fisheries through raising awareness about the SSF Guidelines as presented by the curriculum.
Methods: C2C integrates feedback from pilot to design of weeklong in-person training and follow-up session with digital companion materials available on the the SSF Guidelines Curriculum's SSF Educators Knowledge Exchange platform.
Output: Launch of onboarding experience for educators interested in facilitating the curriculum in their local SSF context.
C2C & Educators review pilot insights, make final amendments to content, and publish the Curriculum's 2nd Edition.
Description: Educators from 2nd edition focus groups celebrate their completion of their pilots! C2C supports amending lessons and activities before submitting the curriculum to the FAO for final feedback. Before publication, C2C will add illustrations to the curriculum and update the website to incorporate new and amended curriculum components.
Methods: C2C meets virutally with educators in Myanmar and Vietnam and in-person with educator and learner focus groups in Barbados and French Polynesia to review pilot insights and gather interviews. Educators from the curriculum's 1st edition support 2nd edition educators to integrate learnings from the pilot and edit their lesson plans and enrichment activities. Educators consult with C2C illustrators and graphic designers to add the imagery to they imagined for their lesson plans, enrichment activities, handouts, and presentations.
Output: The 2nd Edition of the SSF Guidelines Curriculum with set of new lesson plans and enrichment activities attuned to the needs of small island developing states and SSF in contexts of limited opportunities civic engagement. The 2nd edition of the curriculum will be uploaded to the website with anticipation for translation in the working languages of the UN with particular attention to those of focus groups.

For the curriculum’s following stages, Coast 2 Coast seeks to develop new resources that educators can use to inspire and encourage their participants to exercise their imaginations - often missing in standardized education practices and national curriculums designed for urban audiences.
The Map from Coast to Coast or El Mapa de Costa a Costa (MDCC) is an interactive platform hosting the co-created audiovisual productions from Coast 2 Coast's participatory workshops, programs, and festivals with young learners from SSF communities around the world. Users can explore different small-scale fishing communities through the imagination of local youth, learning what the SSF sector and these communities mean to the young group of rightsholders.

With funding, C2C seeks to collaborate with UX designers and coders who can meet the specific needs of rural teachers and faciliators to ensure that MDCC is a meaningful learning tool and platform that can connect SSF youth from coast to coast. We also hope that educators from urban schools could use MDCC in science or environmetnal classes as a tool for their students to understand ocean health and biodiviersty as part of social-ecological systems in which human health is interlinked.

Based on the feedback educators provided Coast 2 Coast over the course of IYAFA 2022 between in-person and virtual sessions through interviews, co-creation of curriculum content and piloting, university students from La Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú have joined Coast 2 Coast in research and design of educational materials that SSF educators can utilize in the context of teh SSF Guidelines Curriculum (and beyond).
Coast 2 Coast began the preliminary stages of designing moodboards as ideas for pitching to educators in our focus groups and initaiting the co-production of curriculum companion materials, particularly those that support educators to realize their own audiovisual productions with their students, something that particularly excited the faciliators in our focus groups. Educators requested that materials be bright and engaging since their students tend to see these colors in their natural surroundings.

The benefits of State education and fisheries institutions and governing bodies working together to implement the SSF Guidelines Curriculum in coastal and inland fishing communities:
Improved education and awareness: By recommending the SSF Guidelines Curriculum for uptake by national schools located in (and adjacent to) coastal and inland fishing communities, States demonstrate their commitment toward implementing the SSF Guidelines, partnering with educators from or invested in these communities who explore alongside their students the importance of the SSF sector and the need for sustainable and equitable practices. This can help to raise awareness among local youth who might feel discouraged about their communities’ place in society about the role of small-scale fisheries in food security, poverty reduction, and sustainable development.
Improved policy coherence: By working together, Ministries of Education and Departments of Fisheries can find room for synergies between education policies and fisheries policies, exploring how rural education objectives might support sustainable fisheries and vice versa, thus promoting a more coherent and coordinated approach to small-scale fisheries development.
Capacity building: The collaboration can lead to capacity-building opportunities for teachers, education officials, environmental nonprofits, and fisheries officials, promoting the development of new skills and knowledge about sustainable and equitable small-scale fisheries practices.
Better stakeholder engagement: Through collaboration, Ministries of Education and Departments of Fisheries can engage with relevant stakeholders, including small-scale fishers and fishing communities as rightsholders and civil society organizations as key allies, to ensure that the curriculum reflects the needs and priorities of those within and supportive of small-scale fisheries.
Improved governance: By promoting awareness of the SSF Guidelines and sustainable small-scale fisheries practices among students and teachers, Ministries of Education and Departments of Fisheries can contribute to better governance and management of the small-scale fisheries sector in the long term.
Overall, the collaboration between Ministries of Education and Departments of Fisheries in implementing the SSF Guidelines Curriculum in national schools can contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals related to poverty reduction, food security, and environmental sustainability and promote a more sustainable and equitable small-scale fisheries sector.