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Chapter 7

Value Chain, Post Harvest
& Trade

Supplemental Materials

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Chp 7: Handouts


Chp: Resources
Chp 7: Videos
Chp 7: PDFs


SSF Guidelines: Value chain, post-harvest and trade

This animated video by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations gives insights into all the activities from catch to plate: making fishing gear, catching fish, sorting, cleaning and processing fish, transporting, marketing, selling, buying, and eating fish (and seafood). The SSF Guidelines call for all parts of the value chain to be recognized and for the people working in the value chains to be involved in making decisions concerning them. 

The role of aquatic foods in sustainable healthy diets

UN Nutrition presents a discussion paper by authors Molly Ahern, Shakuntala Thilsted, and Stineke Oenema on the sustainable supply of aquatic foods to deliver sustainable healthy diets and meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The paper describes food waste and loss along the value chain and advocates for policies and investments that mitigate against it. 

Value Chain Improvements in SSF: A Case Study from West Africa

Kristine Beran presents a study that examines how post-harvest innovations
might address challenges SSF face along the value chain and how they might benefit from these changes. Beran also focuses on factors that influence the adoption of innovations. She presents two case studies in West Africa: The Gambia and Ghana, during the period between 2015-2018.

Labour, Identity and Wellbeing in Bangladesh’s Dried Fish Value Chains

Authors Ben Belton, Mostafa A. R. Hossain, and Shakuntala Thilsted explore the material conditions faced by SSF people engaged in drying fish in Bangladesh and how social relations meditate their experiences and circumstances along the value chain, interweaving decent work and social development into Chapter 7.

The SSF Hub: Value chains & post harvest

What are ways to strengthen the value chain of your fishery and earn more from harvests? Learn more about value chains, post-harvest, and trade by exploring the resources in the SSF Hub's digital library.

Fishful Future: Food from the Sea

Fishful Future aims to support regional fishing communities and working waterfronts by moving towards zero waste in the seafood industry. To accomplish this, Fishful Future fosters culinary and non-culinary solutions to secondary cuts and seafood by-products that are currently undervalued or discarded.

Chp 7: Websites
Chp 7: References


Ahern M, Mwanza PS, Genschick S and Thilsted SH. 2020. Nutrient-rich foods to improve diet quality in the first 1000 days of life in Malawi and Zambia: Formulation, processing and sensory evaluation. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Program Report: 2020-14.


Aileen Carr. 2015. Food Justice: Definitions Compilation.


Ann Gibbons. 2010. The World’s First Fish Supper. In: Science. Cited 14 January 2023.


Belton, B. & Thilsted, S.H. 2014. Fisheries in transition: Food and nutrition security implications for the global South. Global Food Security, 3(1): 59–66.


Beran, K. 2018. Value Chain Improvements In Small-Scale Fisheries: Case Studies From West Africa. Open Access Dissertations. Paper 785. Cited 14 January 2023.


De Silva, A. 2011. Value chain of fish and fishery products: origin, functions and application in developed and developing country markets. Food and Agriculture Organization.


David P. Green. undated. Pre-harvest conditions, handling affect sensory quality of freshwater fish. In: Global Seafood Alliance. Cited 19 January 2023.


Evan Tarver. 2022. Value Chain vs. Supply Chain: What’s the Difference? In: Investopedia. Cited 14 January 2023.


FAO and WHO. 2019. Sustainable healthy diets – Guiding principles. Rome.


FAO. 2021. Evaluation of the project “Enhancing the contribution of small-scale fisheries to food security and sustainable livelihoods through better policies, strategies and initiatives". Project Evaluation Series, 01/2021. Rome.


FAO. 2023. Food Loss and Waste in Fish Value Chains. In: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Cited 14 January 2023.


FAO. undated. Chapter 2 - Post-harvest system and food losses. Cited 19 January 2023.


HLPE. 2014. Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome 2014. 


HLPE. 2017. Nutrition and food systems. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome.


Kent, G. 1997. Fisheries, food security, and the poor. Food Policy, 22(5): 393–404.


Molly Ahern, Shakuntala H. Thilsted, & Stineke Oenema. 2021. The role of aquatic foods in sustainable healthy diets. Discussion Paper. Rome, UN Nutrition.


Thomas, A., Mangubhai, S., Fox, M., Meo, S., Miller, K., Naisilisili, W., Veitayaki, J. & Waqairatu, S. 2021. Why they must be counted: Significant contributions of Fijian women fishers to food security and livelihoods. Ocean & Coastal Management, 205: 105571.


Walker, T. 2021. What is a value chain? Definitions and characteristics. In: Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. Cited 14 January 2023.


Will Kenton. 2021. What Is Market Access in International Trade? In: Investopedia. Cited 19 January 2023.


Zelasney, J., Ford, A., Westlund, L., Ward, A. & Riego Peñarubia, O. eds. 2020. Securing sustainable small-scale fisheries: Showcasing applied practices in value chains, post-harvest operations and trade. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 652. Rome, FAO.

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